Activity: The Real MVPs

In many ways, we are the sum of the people who pour into us.

To function at our best, we need to be connected to other people. Social connection is a basic need just like food, clothing, and shelter, and we need social support to function well. The people we spend time with regularly have a very large impact on our overall well-being and mental health.

So who are your real MVPs? Complete the activity below and find out! Don't miss our next Huddle when we will discuss how friendship is connected to overall well-being and peak performance!

Stream of consciousness, list people in your life who have helped you feel good about yourself. 
These people may be colleagues, family members or friends. They may have been in your life for a short time or for a long time. They may not be part of your life anymore. You can list names or the person’s relationship to you (such as father, coach, or supervisor). 

Now that you have written down the names of some people who have helped you feel good about yourself: 
Think about what these people did to help you feel this way. Describe some of the ways they treated you.

Sharing is Caring
New research says most of us underestimate the power of the casual check-in. If you haven’t already, pick at least one of your MVPs and reach out to them!

To learn more about the power of our social circles, read The New York Times Article, Text Your Friends. It Matters More Than You Think.